Michael Zink
Paros Professor of Geophysical Sensing Systems
University of Massachusetts Amherst
College of Engineering
Department of Computer in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Address: 151 Holdsworth Way, Amherst, MA 01003
Email: mzink@umass.edu
Office: Knowles 213 B
Phone: +1-413-545-4465
I'm the Paros Professor of Geophysical Sensing Systems in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the College of Engineering at the University of Massachusetts Amherst where I serve as the Co-Director of the Paros Center for Atmospheric Research. My research focuses on Multimedia Systems, Cyber Infrastructure, and Large-scale Sensor Networks. I am Co-Director of the graduated NSF Engineering Research Center for Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere (CASA) and PI of the Massachusetts Open Cloud (MOC).
I am a Senior Member of IEEE & ACM.
My detailed CV can be found here!

September 2023
Our journal article "Towards Sustainable UAV Operations: Balancing Economic Optimization with Environmental and Social Considerations in Path Planning" has been accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review
New NSF Award "EAGER: SPRITE: Sensor Processing and Realtime Intelligence at The Edge – Supporting the National Discovery Cloud for Climate with Advanced Networking, Cloud, and Edge Computing"
August 2023
New NSF Award "CICI: TCR: CAREFREE: Cloud infrastructure ResiliencE of the Future foR tEstbeds, accelerators and nEtworks"
July 2023
Our paper "FlyPaw: Optimized Route Planning for Scientific UAV Missions" has been accepted for publication at eScience 2023.
May 2023
Our paper "A Framework to Enable Runtime Programmable P4-enabled FPGAs in the Open Cloud Testbed" won the Best Paper Award at the CNERT INFOCOM Workshop.
Our paper "Experiments on Network Service for Video Transmission using FABRIC Instrument Resources" won the Best Paper Runner Up Award at the CNERT INFOCOM Workshop.