
Paros Professor of Geophysical Sensing Systems
University of Massachusetts Amherst
College of Engineering
Department of Computer in Electrical and Computer Engineering
Address: 151 Holdsworth Way, Amherst, MA 01003
Office:  Knowles  213 B
Phone:  +1-413-545-4465

Below is a list of my publications dating back to 2008. A complete list of all publications can be found in my CV.


Zhangchen Hu, Heng Chen, Eric Lyons, Michael Zink, Senay Solak. Towards Sustainable UAV Operations: Balancing
Economic Optimization with Environmental and Social Considerations in Path Planning. Accepted for publication in Transportation Research Part E: Logistics and Transportation Review 

Andrew Grote, Eric Lyons, Komal Thareja, George Papadimitriou, Ewa Deelman, Anirban Mandal, Prasad Calyam, Michael Zink. FlyPaw: Optimized Route Planning for Scientific UAV Missions. To appear in eScience 2023.

Zhaoyang Han, Suranga Handagala, Kalyani Patle, Michael Zink, Miriam Leeser, “A Framework to Enable Runtime Programmable
P4-enabled FPGAs in the Open Cloud Testbed”. In Proceedings of the CNERT 2023 (IEEE INFOCOM Workshop). Best paper award! 

Alicia E. Morel, Durbek Gafurov, Prasad Calyam, Cong Wang, Komal Thareja, Anirban Mandal, Eric Lyons, Michael Zink, George Papadimitriou, and Ewa Deelman, “Experiments on Network Services for Video Transmission using FABRIC Instrument Resources”. In Proceedings of the CNERT 2023 (IEEE INFOCOM Workshop). Best paper runner up! 

Talha Mehboob, Noman Bashir, Michael Zink and David Irwin. Is Sharing Caring? Analyzing the Incentives for Shared Cloud Clusters. In Proceedings of ACM/SPEC ICPE 2023. Best paper runner up!

Alicia E.Morel, Prasad Calyam, Chengyi Qu, Durbek Gafurov, Cong Wang, Komal Thareja, Anirban Mandal, Eric Lyons, Michael Zink, George Papadimitriou, and Ewa Deelman, "Network Services Management using Programmable Data Planes for Visual Cloud Computing", in Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC): Next Generation Networks and Internet Applications (ICNC '23)


Maureen Dougherty, Michael Zink, Barr von Oehsen, Kenneth Dalenberg, Bala Desinghu, Jason Kaelber, Jeremy Schafer, John Goodhue, Wolf Hey, Morgan Ludgwig, Boyd Wilson, Cole McKnight. The ERN Cryo-EM Federated Instrument Pilot Project: Phase 1. In Proceedings of the 4th Annual SC'22 Workshop on Extreme-Scale Experiment-in-the-Loop Computing (XLOOP 2022).

Melissa Cragin, Ron Hutchins, Maureen Dougherty, James Barr von Oehsen, Michael Zink, Anthony Elam, D. Balamurugan and John Goodhue. Federating CI Policy in Support of Multi-institutional Research: Lessons from the Ecosystem for Research Networking. In Proceedings of ACM PEARC 2022. 

Maureen Dougherty, Michael Zink, Barr von Oehsen, Kenneth Dalenberg, Bala Desinghu, Jason Kaelber, Jeremy Schafer, John Goodhue, Wolf Hey, Morgan Ludgwig, Boyd Wilson, Cole McKnight. The ERN Cryo-EM Federated Instrument Pilot Project. In Proceedings of ACM PEARC 2022. Best short paper award! 

Ishita Dasgupta, Susmit Shannigrahi, Michael Zink. A hybrid NDN-IP Architecture for Live Video Streaming: From Host-based to Content-based delivery to Improve QoE. International Journal of Semantic Computing, 2002. DOI: 

Ryan Tanaka, George Papadimitriou, Sai Charan Viswanath, Cong Wang, Eric Lyons, Komal Thareja, Chengyi Qu, Alicia Esquivel, Ewa Deelman, Anirban Mandal, Prasad Calyam, Michael Zink. Automating Edge-to-cloud Workflows for Science: Traversing the Edge-to-cloud Continuum with Pegasus. In 2022 CCGrid Cloud2Things Workshop. Best paper award!

Robert Thompson, Eric Lyons, Ishita Dasgupta, Spyridon Mastorakis, Michael Zink, Susmit Shannigrahi. An Information Centric Framwork for Weather Sensing Data. In 2020 IEEE ICC RAFNET Workshop.

Suranga Handagala, Michael Zink, Miriam Leeser. Network Attached FPGAs in the Open Cloud Testbed (OCT). In CNERT 2022 (IEEE INFOCOM Workshop). Runner up for best paper!


Miriam Leeser, Suranga Handagala, Michael Zink. FPGAs in the Cloud. IEEE Computing in Science and Engineering, 2001. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3127288

Ayush Sarkar, John Murray, Mallesham Dasari, Michael Zink, Klara Nahrstedt. L3BOU: Low Latency, Low Bandwidth, Optimized Super-Resolution Backhaul for 360-Degree Video Streaming. In IEEE ISM 2021, Virtual, 2021 

Ishita Dasgupta, Susmit Shannigrahi, Michael Zink. A hybrid NDN-IP Architecture for Live VideoStreaming: A QoE Analysis. In IEEE ISM 2021, Virtual, 2021

George Papadimitriou, Eric Lyons, Cong Wang, Komal Thareja, Ryan Tanaka, Paul Ruth, Ivan Rodero, Ewa Deelman, Michael Zink, Anirban Mandal.  Fair sharing of network resources among workflow ensembles. Cluster Comput (2021). 

E. Lyons, H. Saplakoglu, M. Zink, K. Thareja, A. Mandal, C. Qu, S. Wang, P. Calyam, G. Papadimitriou, R. Tanaka, and E. Deelman. FlyNet: A Platform to Support Scientific Workflows from theEdge to the Core for UAV Applications. In 2021 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC), Leicester, UK, 2021 

Michael Zink, David Irwin, Emmanuel Cecchet, Hakan Saplakoglu, Orran Krieger, Martin Herbordt, Michael Daitzman, Peter Desnoyers, Miriam Leeser, Suranga Handagala. The Open Cloud Testbed (OCT): A Platform forResearch into new Cloud Technologies (Invited Paper). In IEEE CloudNet 2021, Virtual, 2021 

Jacob Chakareski, Ridvan Aksu, Viswanathan Swaminathan, and Michael Zink. 2021. Full UHD 360-Degree Video Dataset and Modeling of Rate-Distortion Characteristics and Head Movement Navigation. In Proceedings of the 12th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys '21). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, 267–273. DOI: 

M. Dougherty, M. Zink, J. Barr von Oehsen. 2021. Identifying Research Collaboration Challenges for the Development of a Federated Infrastructure Response. In Practice and Experience in Advanced Research Computing (PEARC '21), 2021. Virtual.


J. Park, M. Wu, K. Lee, B. Chen, K. Nahrstedt, M. Zink, R. Sitaraman, SEAWARE: Semantic Aware View Prediction System for 360-degree Video Streaming. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM), 2020. Virtual 

G. Papadimitriou, E. Lyons, C. Wang, K.Thareja, R. Tanaka, P. Ruth, J. Villalobos, I. Rodero, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, M. Zink. Application Aware Software Defined Flows of Workflow Ensembles. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE/ACM Innovating the Network for Data-Intensive Science (INDIS), 2020. Virtual 

J. Park, M. Wu, E. Lee, K. Nahrstedt, Y. Shah, A. Rosenthal, J. Murray, K. Spiteri, M. Zink, and R. Sitaraman. Video 360 Content Navigation for Mobile HMD Devices. In Proceedings of the 28th ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM '20). Virtual 

E. Lyons, D. Westbrook, A. Grote, G. Papadimitriou, K. Thareja, C. Wang, M. Zink, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, P. Ruth. An On-Demand Weather Avoidance System for Small Aircraft Flight Path Routing. In Proceedings of the International Conference on Dynamic Data Driven Application Systems, Cambridge, MA 2020 

A. Bajaj, B. Philips, E. Lyons, D. Westbrook and M. Zink, Determining and Communicating Weather Risk in The New Drone Economy. In Proceedings of the 2020 IEEE 92nd Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Fall), 2020 


R. Hark, D. Bhat, M. Zink, R. Steinmetz, A. Rizk. Preprocessing Monitoring Information on the SDN Data-Plane using P4. Accepted for Publication in IEEE Conference on Network Function Virtualization and Software Defined Networks (IEEE NFV-SDN), 2019. Dallas, TX, USA, 2019

I. Rodero, Y. Qin, J. Valls, A. Simonet, J. J. Villalobos, M. Parashar, C. Youn, C. Wang, K. Thareja, P. Ruth, G. Papadimitriou, E. Lyons, M Zink. Enabling Data Streaming-based Science Gateway through Federated Cyberinfrastructure. In Proceedings of  Gateways 2019. San Diego, CA, USA, 2019

K. Vahi, M. Rynge, G. Papadimitriou, D. A. Brown, R. Mayani, R. F. D. Silva, E. Deelman, A. Mandal, E. Lyons and M. Zink. Custom Execution Environments with Containers in Pegasus-enabled Scientific Workflows. In Proceedings of IEEE eScience 2019. San Diego, CA, USA, 2019

E. Lyons, G. Papadimitriou, C. Wang, K. Thareja, P. Ruth, J. J. Villalobos, I. Rodero, E. Deelman, M. Zink and A. Mandal. Toward a Dynamic Network-centric Distributed Cloud Platform for Scientific Workflows: A Case Study for Adaptive Weather Sensing. In Proceedigs of  IEEE eScience 2019. San Diego, CA, USA, 2019

Dmitry Duplyakin and Robert Ricci and Aleksander Maricq and Gary Wong and Jonathon Duerig and Eric Eide and Leigh Stoller and Mike Hibler and David Johnson and Kirk Webb and Aditya Akella and Kuangching Wang and Glenn Ricart and Larry Landweber and Chip Elliott and Michael Zink and Emmanuel Cecchet and Snigdhaswin Kar and Prabodh Mishra. The Design and Operation of CloudLab. In Proceedings of the USENIX Annual Technical Conference (ATC). Renton, WA, USA, 1-14, 2019

Cong Wang and Michael Zink. Sustainable Cloud Encoding for Adaptive Bitrate Streaming over CDNs. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks. Paris, France, 2019

Christian Koch, Arne-Tobias Rak, Michael Zink, Ralf Steinmetz, and Amr Rizk. Transitions of viewport quality adaptation mechanisms in 360 degree video streaming. In Proceedings of the 29th ACM Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV '19). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 14-19, 2019. DOI:

Thiago Teixeira, Michael Zink. Cross-Layer Assisted Forwarding Strategy for Opportunistic Communication. In Proceedings of the 20th IEEE International symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia Networks (IEEE WoWMoM 2019). Washington, D.C., USA 2019

Hamideh Habibi, Ishita Dasgupta, Seongjin Noh, Sunghee Kim, Michael Zink, Dong-Jun Seo, Matthew Bartos, Branko Kerkez. High-resolution hydrologic forecasting for very large urban areas, Journal of Hydroinformatics, vol. 21, no. 3, pp. 441-454, May 2019. DOI:

M. Zink, R. Sitaraman and K. Nahrstedt, Scalable 360° Video Stream Delivery: Challenges, Solutions, and Opportunities, Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 107, no. 4, pp. 639-650, April 2019. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2019.2894817

Divyashri Bhat, Jason Anderson, Paul Ruth, Michael Zink, Kate Keahey. Wide-area Software Defined Networking Experiments using Chameleon. In Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM CNERT Workshop. Paris, France, 2019


M. M. Tajiki, B. Akbari, M. Shojafar, S. H. Ghasemi, M. L. Barazandeh, N. Mokari, L. Chiaraviglio, M. Zink, CECT: computationally efficient congestion-avoidance and traffic engineering in software-defined cloud data centers, Cluster Computing 21(4), 2018, Pages 1881-1897, ISSN 1573-7543, DOI:

Cong Wang, Michael Zink, David Irwin, Energy-agile design for parallel HPC applications, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Volume 19, 2018, Pages 123-134, ISSN 2210-5379,


Divyashri Bhat, Amr Rizk, Michael Zink, Ralf Steinmetz. SABR: Network Assisted Content Distribution for QoE-driven Adaptive Bitrate Video Streaming. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications, Special Issue on SI: QoE Management for Multimedia Services. Appl. 14, 2s, Article 32 (April 2018), 25 pages.


Divyashri Bhat, Rajvardhan Deshmukh, and Michael Zink. 2018. Improving QoE of ABR Streaming Sessions through QUIC Retransmissions. In Proceedings of the 26th ACM international conference on Multimedia (MM '18). ACM, New York, NY, USA, 1616-1624. DOI:

T. Teixeira, R. Deshmukh and M. Zink. Increasing Network Resiliency via Data-Centric Offloading. In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Wireless and Mobile Computing, Networking and Communications (WiMob), Limassol, 2018, pp. 270-277. DOI: 10.1109/WiMOB.2018.8589179

Krzysztof Orzeł, David Pepyne, Sean Turner, Jezabel Vilardell Sanchez, Apoorva Bajaj, Michael Zink, and Stephen Frasier. Tracking Small Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Using Weather Radar. In Proceedings of the 10th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology. Ede, The Netherlands, 2018

Bhushan Suresh, Divyashri Bhat and Michael Zink. An Evaluation of SDN and NFV Support for Parallel, Alternate Protocol Stack Operations. In Proceedings of the IEEE ICC 2018 Communications Software, Services, and Multimedia Applications Symposium, Kansas City, MO, May 2018


Cong Wang, Divyashri Bhat, Amr Rizk, and Michael Zink. Design and Analysis of QoE-Aware Quality Adaptation for DASH: A Spectrum-Based Approach. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. 13, 3s, Article 45 (July 2017), 24 pages. DOI:

Denny Stohr, Alexander Frömmgen, Amr Rizk, Michael Zink, Ralf Steinmetz, Wolfgang Effelsberg. Where are the Sweet Spots? A Systematic Approach to Reproducible DASH Player Comparisons. In Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2017, Mountain View, CA, Oct. 2017

Rajvardhan Deshmukh and Michael Zink. An Information Centric Networking Approach for Sensor to Vehicular Network Communication in Disasters. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Emergency Networks for Public Protection and Disaster Relief, Rome, Italy, Oct. 2017

The An Binh Nguyen, Pratyush Agnihotri, Christian Meurisch, Manisha Luthra, Rahul Dwarakanath, Jeremias Blendin, Doreen Böhnstedt, Michael Zink, Ralf Steinmetz, Efficient Crowd Sensing Task Distribution Through Context-aware NDN-based Geocast. In Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Oct. 2017, Singapore

Amr Rizk, Michael Zink, Ramesh Sitaraman. Model-based Design and Analysis of Cache Hierarchies. In Proceedings of IFIP Networking 2017, Stockholm, Sweden, June 2017

Divyashri Bhat, Amr Rizk, and Michael Zink. Not so QUIC: A Performance Study of DASH over QUIC. In Proceedings of the 27th Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV'17). Taipei, Taiwan, June 2017

Divyashri Bhat, Amr Rizk, Michael Zink, Ralf Steinmetz. Network Assisted Content Distribution for Adaptive Bitrate Video Streaming. In Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Multimedia Systems (MMSys 2017),Taipei, Taiwan, June 2017

Priyanka Kedalagudde and Michael Zink. Virtualizing Closed-loop Sensor Networks: A Case Study. In Proceedings of SENSORNETS 2017, Porto, Portugal, February 2017


Denny Stohr, Alexander Frömmgen, Jan Fornoff, Michael Zink, Alejandro Buchmann, Wolfgang Effelsberg. QoE Analysis of DASH Cross-Layer Dependencies by Extensive Network Emulation. In Proceedings of the 2016 workshop on QoE-based Analysis and Management of Data Communication Networks, Florianopolis, Brazil, August 2016

Cong Wang, Amr Rizk, and Michael Zink. SQUAD: A Spectrum-based Quality Adaptation for Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP. In Proceedings of ACM MMSys, Klagenfurt, Austria, May 2016. Excellence in DASH Award!

Zdravko Bozakov, Amr Rizk, Divyashri Bhat, and Michael Zink. Measurement-based Flow Characterization in Centrally Controlled Networks. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications INFOCOM, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 2016


Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, M. Zink, C. Griwodz, P. Halvorsen. Cache-centric Video Recommendation: An Approach to Improve the Efficiency of YouTube Caches. ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications and Applications. 11(4),48:1-48:20, 2015.

Mark Berman, Piet Demeester, Jae Woo Lee, Kiran Nagaraja, Michael Zink, Didier Colle, Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Dipankar Raychaudhuri, Henning Schulzrinne, Ivan Seskar, Sachin Sharma. Future Internets Escape the Simulator. Communications of the ACM. 58(6), 78-89, 2015.

Cong Wang, Michael Zink, and David Irwin. Optimizing Parallel HPC Applications for Green Energy Sources. In Proceedings of the sixth Green and Sustainable Computing Conference, Las Vegas, USA, December 2015.

Divyashri Bhat, Cong Wang, Amr Rizk, Michael Zink, A load balancing approach for adaptive bitrate streaming in Information Centric networks. In Proceedings of Workshop on Multimedia Streaming in Information Centric Networks. Torino, Italy, July 2015.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Michael Zink, and Ramesh Sitaram. Optimizing the Video Transcoding Workflow in Content Delivery Networks. In proceedings of the 6th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys), 37-48, Portland OR, USA, February 2015.


Seo, D.-J. , B. Kerke, M. Zink, N. Fang, J. Gao, X. Yu, iSPUW: A Vision for Integrated Sensing and Prediction of Urban Water for Sustainable Cities. To appear in Proceedings of DyDEES, Boston, MA, USA, November 2014.

Divyashri Bhat, Niky Riga, Michael Zink, Towards Seamless Application Delivery using Software Defined Exchanges. In Proceedings of Workshop onFederated Future Internet and Distributed Cloud Testbeds (FIDC), Karlskrona, Sweden, September 2014.

Nauman Javed, Eric Lyons, Michael Zink, Tilman Wolf. Adaptive Wireless Mesh Networks: Surviving Weather Without Sensing It. Elsevier Computer Communications.Vol. 54,120-130, 2014.

Cong Wang, Michael Zink, On the Feasibility of DASH Streaming in the Cloud, In Proceeding of NOSSDAV 2014, Singapore, March 2014.

Fraida Fund, Cong Wang, Yong Liu, Thanasis Korakis, Michael Zink, Shivendra Panwar, Mobile User Experience for DASH and WebRTC Video Services. In International Packet Video Workshop 2013, San Jose, CA, USA, December 2013.


Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Divyashri Bhat, and Michael Zink, DASHing YouTube: An Analysis of Using DASH in YouTube Video Service. In IEEE LCN 2013, Sydney, Australia, October 2013.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Eric Lyons, David Irwin, and Michael Zink, CloudCast: Cloud Computing for Short-term Weather Forecasts. IEEE Computing Science in Science & Engineering Magazine. 15(4), 30-37, September 2013.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, What should you Cache? A Global Analysis on YouTube Related Video Caching. In Proceeding of  NOSSDAV ’13, Oslo Norway, February 2013.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Michael Zink, Carsten Griwodz, Pål Halvorsen, Cache-centric Video Recommendation: An Approach to Improve the Efficiency of YouTube Caches. In Proceeding of  the Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys’13), Oslo, Norway, February 2013.

Navin Sharma, Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, David Irwin, Michael Zink, Prashant Shenoy, GreenCache: Augmenting Off-the-Grid Cellular Towers with Multimedia Caches. In Proceeding of  the Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys’13), Oslo, Norway, February 2013.


Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Eric Lyons, David Irwin, and Michael Zink, CloudCast: Cloud Computing for Short-term Mobile Weather Forecasts. In Proceedings of the IEEE IPCCC 2012, Austin, TX, USA, December 2012.

Dilum Bandara, Anura Jayasumana, Michael Zink, Radar Networking in Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of Atmosphere: State of the Art and Research Challenges. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Globecom Workshop on Radar and Sonar Networks (RSN), Anaheim, CA, USA, December 2012.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Eric Lyons, David Irwin, and Michael Zink, Network Capabilities of Cloud Services for a Real Time Scientific Application. In Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Clearwater, FL, USA, October 2012

Cong Wang, and Michael Zink. QoS Featured Wireless Virtualization Based on 802.11 Hardware. In Proceedings of the 2012 International Symposium on Wireless Communication Systems (ISWCS), Paris, France, August 2012.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Eric Lyons, David Irwing and Michael Zink. Compute Cloud bases Weather Detection and Warning System. In Proceedings oft he 2012 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS), Munich, Germany, July 2012.

Navin Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Michael Zink. MultiSense: Proportional-Share for Mechanically Steerable Sensor Networks. Multimedia Systems Journal, July 2012.

Dave Pepyne, Sean Klaiber, Jerry Brotzge, and Michael Zink. Design and Operation of Infrasound Stations for Hazardous Weather Detection. In Proceedings of the European Geosciences General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, April 2012.

Samamon Khemmarat, Renjie Zhou, D. Krishnappa, Lixin Gao, and Michael Zink. Watching User Generated Videos with Prefetching. International Journal on Signal Processing: Image Communication. 27(4), 343-359, April 2012.


David Pepyne, David McLaughlin, David Westbrook, Eric Lyons, Eric Knapp, Steve Frasier, and Michael Zink. Dense Radar Networks for Low-Flyer Surveillance. In Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Technologies for Homeland Security (HST), Boston, MA, USA, November 2011.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Samamon Khemmarat, and Michael Zink. Planet  YouTube: Global, Measurement-based Performance Analysis of Viewer’s Experience Watching User Generated Videos. In Proceedings of 6th IEEE Workshop on Network Measurements, Bonn, Germany, October 2011.

Bo An, Victor Lesser, David Westbrook, and Michael Zink. Agent-mediated Multi-step Optimization for Resource Allocation in Distributed Sensor Networks. In Proc. of 10th Int. Conf. on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems – Innovative Applications Track (AAMAS 2011), Taipei, Taiwan, May 2011.

J.M. Trabal, G.A. Pablos-Vega, J.G. Colom-Ustariz, J.A. Ortiz, S. Cruz-Pol, D.J. McLaughlin, M. Zink, and V. Chandrasekar, Off-the-Grid Weather Radar Network for Precipitation Monitoring in Western Puerto Rico. In Proceedings of the International Symposium in Weather Radar and Hydrology, Exeter, United Kingdom, April 2011.

Dilip Kumar Krishnappa, Samamon Khemmarat, Lixin Gao, and Michael Zink. On the Feasibility of Prefetching and Caching for Online TV Services: A Measurement Study on Hulu. In Proceedings of Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM’11), Atlanta, GA, March 2011

Samamon Khemmarat, Renjie Zhou, Lixin Gao, and Michael Zink. Watching User Generated Videos with Prefetching. . In Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys’11), San Jose, CA, February 2011

Navin Sharma, David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, and Michael Zink. MultiSense: Fine-grained Multiplexing for Steerable Camera Sensor Networks. In  Multimedia Systems Conference (MMSys’11), San Jose, CA, February 2011

David Pepyne, Michael Zink, Jerald Brotzge, Eric Knapp, Alexander Mendes, Brian McCarthy, Sean Klaiber, and Bettina Benito‐Figueroa. An Integrated Radar­Infrasound Network for Meteorological Infrasound Detection and Analysis. In Proceeding of the 91st American Meteorological Society Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, January 2011


Bo An, Victor Lesser, David Irwin, and Michael Zink. Automated Negotiation with Decommitment for Dynamic Resource Allocation in Cloud Computing. In Proceedings of the 9th International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (AAMAS’10), Montreal, Canada, May 2010

David Irwin, Navin Sharma, Michael Zink, and Prashant Shenoy. Towards a Virtualized Sensing Environment. In Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering (LNICST) by Springer, Berlin, Germany, May 2010

David Irwin, Prashant Shenoy, Emmanuel Cecchet, and Michael Zink. Resource Management in Data-Intensive Clouds: Opportunities and Challenges. In Proceedings of the 17th IEEE Workshop on Local and Metropolitan Area Networks (LANMAN), Long Branch, NJ, USA, May 2010


Victoria Manfredi, Jim Kurose, Naceur Malouch, Chun Zhang, and Michael Zink. Separation of Sensor Control and Data in Closed-Loop Sensor Networks. In Proceedings of IEEE SECON 2009, Rome, Italy, June 2009

Pablo Serrano, Carlos Bernardos, Antonio de la Oliva, Albert Banchs, Ignacio Soto, Michael Zink, FloorNet: Deployment and Evaluation of a Multihop Wireless 802.11 Testbed. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.

David McLaughlin, David Pepyne, V.Chandrasekar, Brenda Philips, James Kurose, Michael Zink et al., Short-Wavelength Technology and the Potential for Distributed Networks of Small Radar Systems. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society. April 2009.

Victoria Manfredi, Jim Kurose, Naceur Malouch, Chun Zhang, Michael Zink, Separation of Sensor Control and Data in Closed-Loop Sensor Networks. To appear in SECON 2009.

Pablo Serrano, Michael Zink, Jim Kurose, Assessing the fidelity of COTS 802.11 sniffers. In Proceedings of IEEE Infocom 2009, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, April 2009.

Yanlei Diao, Boduo Li, Anna Liu, Liping Peng, Charles Sutton, Thanh Tran, Michael Zink, Capturing Data Uncertainty in High-Volume Stream Processing. In Proceedings of the Fourth biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems, Pacific Grove, CA, January 2009.

Ellen Bass, Leigh Baumgart, Brenda Philips, Kevin Kloesel, Kathleen Dougherty, Havidán Rodriguez, William Donner, Jenniffer Santos, Walter Diaz, Michael Zink, Incorporating emergency management needs in the development of weather radar networks. Journal of Emergency Management, 7(1), 45-52, March 2009

Michael Zink, Kyoungwon Suh, Yu Gu, and Jim Kurose, Characteristics of YouTube Network Traffic at a Campus Network - Measurements, Models, and Implications. Elsevier Computer Networks. Vol. 53, No. 4, March 2009

Michael Zink, Eric Lyons, David Westbrook, Jim Kurose, and David Pepyne, Closed-loop Architecture for Distributed Collaborative Adaptive Sensing of the Atmosphere: Meteorological Command & Control. International Journal for Sensor Networks (IJSNET)(Vol.6 No.4). In print.


Brian Donovan, David McLaughlin, Michael Zink, Jim Kurose, OTGsim: Simulation of an Off-the-Grid Radar Network with High Sensing Energy Cost. In Proceeding of IEEE SECON 2008. Technical Report version of the paper.

Dave Pepyne, David Westbrook, Brenda Philips, Eric Lyons, Michael Zink, and Jim Kurose, Distributed Collaborative Adaptive Sensor Networks for Remote Sensing Applications. In Proceedings of American Control Conference, June 2008.

Michael Zink, Kyoungwon Su, Yu Gu, and Jim Kurose, Watch Global Cache Local: YouTube Network Traces at a Campus Network - Measurements and Implications. In Proceedings of MMCN 2008, San Jose, CA, USA, Jan 2008. Best Paper Award!